I felt I should share my GDPI experience of IMT in my blog.
So here is the blow by blow description of what happened that day . Hope it helps someone appearing for GDPI for IMT Gzb.
I reached centre 1 hour before the schedule so that I cud get a feel of what all things were going on in GD. It was quite helpful since I learnt that nearly all the GD's were chaos (fish market basically). My schedule was exactly at 1230 hours and the process started by around 1430 hrs( poor show !!!).
1st , the GD:
16 participants ( a definite recipe for fish market)
3 observers from Insti.
Only one girl in group and 3 guys in suit including yours truly.
One of the moderator/observer ( later I learnt he was a Professor of IMT nagpur) took the charge of the GD and briefed us about the rules .- 1 topic to be chosen out of two by draw, thereafter 2 minutes to think , 8 minutes to discuss , 1 minute for everyone to summarise , and later 3 mintues to write a summary. In all around 30 mintues for one batch.
The lady was asked to pick up the destined chit of topic . Lady luck shone and we got a very nice topic of " We should not believe in the lines of our palm because even people without hands have got future".
I jotted down my points. The GD started , 3 seconds and somone interrupted the initiator. The war had started. Within next 1 minute the discussion turned into a GF ( group fight). Thankfully I enetered 3-4 times by raising my voice just above the chaos and luckily got heard by the group.
I gave examples of Napolean Bonaparte and Lance Armstrong. The biggest mistake I did was that I cudn't summarise properly in writing. Chalta hai.
Over all , one of the best GD's conducted that day. I was kind of satisfied with my performance.
2nd , the PI:
3 panelists ( same as that in GD)
P1- Professor 1, Seemed to be the most intelligent guy. I could never hear his voice, was surely a "machher jhol saunge bhaat"( he was just observing me and just used to shake or nod his head)
P2- Professor 2 , who took charge in GD ( elderly , bearded guy)
L- Lady in Army ( calm and supportive kind of lady , seemed to be an ace in communications)
M- poor me !!!
So here is the conversation which followed in that room for next 15- 20 minutes.
L- So you are from shipping ?hmm...... nice career !!!Tell us about yourself.
M- told with gr8 enthusiasm....got cut short
P2- So why MBA ?
M- answered with few hiccups...
P2- why not something in chartering or shipping only ?
M- answered with zeal....
P2-you seem to be hiding something
M- I don't know of something which I am trying to hide.
L- No we feel that you are leaving shipping because you wanna shift to shore job...
M- ( gr8 job detectives ...go fish) tackled in very beautiful manner , and here my bangla friend Mr P1 started nodding heavily and seemed to be totally convinced.
P2- OK ...nothing related to your family life ? something like you wanted to give more time to your family ?
M- In this question I just decimated all their hopes of stressing me ...Nice answer...lady seemed to be too impressed.
P2- tell me what all things you have studied in grads
M- told him all the shippy funda
P2- can you tell me what kind of engines are fitted in Mumbai local trains ?
M- ( irada kya hai bhai ? maar lo , mauka hai dastur bhi hai ...maaro maaro, kuchh nahi bolenge )
I acted as if I know the answer and did the the mistake of answering ( I should have said" sorry no idea dude").
P2 - do you really know anyhting about marine engines ?
M- ( nahi re baba) No sir , I was on deck side , It's more of a management kind of profile rather than technical. The technical part is looked upon by Marine Engineers.
P2 - then what's the use of clearing IIT JEE?
M- ( go and ask the people who designed this system) Answered with poise and they acknowledged it .
P2- so what specialstn r you going to take up in MBA?
M- Finance sir ( did big mistake , here comes the bazooka !!!)
P2 - what r your long term goals you said ?
M- Told
P2- Then how will finance help you in doing it ?
M- treied to frame an answer on the spot ...they guessed it
P2- ( now turning into total devil) you seem to be confused about your goals Mr Sinha ,
Asked me some rapid fire technical terms from Shipping Commerce......... , do you know about these things? these things are not taught in Finance dear .
M- I was on backfoot now , but still tried to hit a six like Dhoni on backfoot.
Explained him how finance wud help me in realising my long term goal ( here they started shaking their head)
P2- An MBA in operations wud suit your profile Mr. Sinha
M- I was totally confused by now ( if i eat my words , i stand out as laggard and confused , If i insist , I get a label of bullheaded)
I just smiled ( sab gud gobar)
P2- Well I'm done with.....do you people have any question ?
No No
Ok Mr Sinha , Do you have any question ?
M- Asked .
P2- answered.
Well that wud be all. Thankyou Mr . sinha
Thankyou sirs, thankyou ma'am.
Would you like me to send the next guy in ?
Yes please , that wud be gr8...
Sure sir...
The lion walked out of Jackals' den.
(edited on 3rd April,08)- Ok guys, I converted it !!!! (PGDM-Finance)
The results are out and I am selected but Great Lakes is more promising and only one year ( opportunity cost blah blah....) thus not very keen to join IMT Gzb.
Thanks again for jheling me ...
I would post my experience of Great Lakes GDPI also . That was complete delight...
Till then, Ciao...
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