Today you think how far you have come in life .It seems as if it all happened yesterday.But it didn't .
He told me to follow your dreams even if you are doing something which is not what you dreamt .One day everything will be cool and you will come at the point where people think that they have got nirvana.
Seems so lengthy a task .
May be I get impatient . Maybe ....
May not be .....
I hate when you get confused .
Why ?
Aise hi .....
It just seems that you are loosing are not that ....
Is it so?
Ya....!You don't think so?
Life is not always about loosing and winning ..It sometimes says about following ....So I am following ....Let him decide I lose or win ....
But how can you leave everything on him ?Ok he may be god or the crap people call him by ,you can't leave your life over someone whose existence is under question....
You must and I repeat ,must win....and for winning you have to stop confusing won't help....
Ya ....I think you are right ...............Am I loosing ?
Certainly not ....why do you think so ....oh ...again you are getting confused .....Gear up can be very cruel to people if they don't act in time ....Time is the currency dude ....whole universe runs on it ....
Stop doing that ....
What ?
That....humming .....
Hmm..........(long gap ....and abruptly)but that's when I think about the things which you say ...I reflect on those and ...and that happens ....everyone does it ....
Bro ....grow up....ok fine continue with your humming or roaring whatever... but look at the watch and think that is god ....
I think time is god ......or allah or rama...
respect it bro ....
So?Now what ?
What what ?
Arghh.....ok ...You and your confusions ....Now I will take over ....Go to sleep....
Ok but don't wake me unnecessarily ...You handle our life in better manner . And when you know that I am everconfused ,you must not see me . Let me be in slumber ....
We both will be happy when i am dormant ....
Ok I'll take leave ....Yaalla Ciao
Ciao ...But do remembr what I said ...
Yes , I certainly will ....and you remember what I said...(smiling ..)
Aise hi .....
He told me to follow your dreams even if you are doing something which is not what you dreamt .One day everything will be cool and you will come at the point where people think that they have got nirvana.
Seems so lengthy a task .
May be I get impatient . Maybe ....
May not be .....
I hate when you get confused .
Why ?
Aise hi .....
It just seems that you are loosing are not that ....
Is it so?
Ya....!You don't think so?
Life is not always about loosing and winning ..It sometimes says about following ....So I am following ....Let him decide I lose or win ....
But how can you leave everything on him ?Ok he may be god or the crap people call him by ,you can't leave your life over someone whose existence is under question....
You must and I repeat ,must win....and for winning you have to stop confusing won't help....
Ya ....I think you are right ...............Am I loosing ?
Certainly not ....why do you think so ....oh ...again you are getting confused .....Gear up can be very cruel to people if they don't act in time ....Time is the currency dude ....whole universe runs on it ....
Stop doing that ....
What ?
That....humming .....
Hmm..........(long gap ....and abruptly)but that's when I think about the things which you say ...I reflect on those and ...and that happens ....everyone does it ....
Bro ....grow up....ok fine continue with your humming or roaring whatever... but look at the watch and think that is god ....
I think time is god ......or allah or rama...
respect it bro ....
So?Now what ?
What what ?
Arghh.....ok ...You and your confusions ....Now I will take over ....Go to sleep....
Ok but don't wake me unnecessarily ...You handle our life in better manner . And when you know that I am everconfused ,you must not see me . Let me be in slumber ....
We both will be happy when i am dormant ....
Ok I'll take leave ....Yaalla Ciao
Ciao ...But do remembr what I said ...
Yes , I certainly will ....and you remember what I said...(smiling ..)
Aise hi .....