For my friends: There's no free lunch. And if you are eating one, you are the customer. Period.
Yeah !! Don't get surprised. Neo can be real blunt at times. But this post is going to be all qabalistic to trick and avoid the search engines as I don't wish to kill some zombies.
Here it goes !!
It was one of the most weird Saturdays in my life recently. Literally went into a temporary remorse.
Felt too sad for some people whom I met. I even met myself, yet again, in the mirror, after meeting them.
Life is so bloody complex at times. We could imgaine at this very moment, we could have full control of of our life and then the very next moment you would not even feel like taking the next breath.
Met some zombies actually, to be precise, as you must have felt at the onset.
They wanted me to join their zombie land full of false aspirations and false commitments of legal methods of suicide. Actually, I could see through their so called "charismatic" stupidity.
People can sometimes get so foolish just to gain quick money that they actually end up loosing it or a part of it.
I could relate them to the person that I used to be a few years ago. The utter chaos that was !!
Lost my right leg in those chaotic times. Though I have regenerated a new one in last few years but still the old wound hurts and till today I walk with excruciating pain.
Man !!
Sometimes I tend to counter my own conviction. Predictable me !!
Am I going in right direction ? Does this path lead to the place where I used to dream of ?
Or we all are the oblivious inhabitants of this murky zombie-land where even I am one of them ambling ahead with a snarling and blood dripping mouth ready to devour on first soul I meet ?
The Rat Race !! At it's best. What else ?
Sometimes we just are so much ready to jump a bungee that we forget to check the harness and tackle if it's gonna sustain the strain. What next ? You expect some miracle ? Ok. Let's do maths. Maths as to: If your body from this height fall into cliff without any tail attached anywhere, then how many pieces your body would be finally broken into ? Assume g=9.8 m /s^2 and height=100m.
Agreed, Analysis Analysis Analysis ... Paralysis !!
But with zero analysis how far you could go?
You challenging common sense ?
Why sometimes people tend to forget common sense ? Just because forgetting it would bring them a notional pleasure ? But what if this "dream" or so called "orgasm" never ends ?
May be it would end up all your bridges to safety and security ..... won't it?
So much so for so called "quick bucks" ??
All the best to zombies. I don't belong to their land. Never.
Puked the bile out of my tummy. Now feeling better.
Ciao, Bona Notte !!