Monday, April 18, 2011

Turning Around !!! Turning turning turning ....

Finding peace within ..... life seems like a jigsaw puzzle wherein I am the bloody one of the pieces being moved here and there .... someone else, not know to you, plans your moves ..... and that person seems to like you ..... is it god? is it you, the atman, the smart ass ?

Someone says in Advait Philosophy, the creator is within and not separate ..... then how come all those creators create trouble for each other ...? This world is running at a frenetic pace .... No time to think ..... keep running ..... for what ?

Is it justified ?

If we all are part of that so called Atman, then WTF we are not connected to each other ? Is this life a punishment phase inflicted onto our eternal being .... so that we come here in this unorganized planet and live a life witnessing agony all around ..... Am I getting cynical ? I pray no..... It's a phase buddy .... Chill maaro .... Beleive in Karma .... as you have always .... It's **cking powerful ... the Karma ....